High Altitude Treks: Risk and Response A high altitude trek calls for an adventurous attitude, but embarking on an adventurous trip without calculating the risks is utter stupidity. That’s why we have listed a few risks and the response planned by Travel Monk to minimize or address the risks in the best possible way.

Risk: Altitude Be aware of symptoms of AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness) like mild headache, nausea and general discomfort.

Response: If you feel any of these symptoms, inform the trek leader on priority basis and follow his instructions. Every campsite has first aid kit, oxygen cylinders to address the situation.

Risk: Weather Weather is unpredictable in the Himalayas, no one can guarantee a snowfall, rain or Sun. Do understand that your security is of utmost importance to us and we will not proceed any further from the campsite if the weather is unfavorable.

Response: The decision of the Trek Leaders and Guides to proceed or wait for the weather to get better will be final.

Risk: Injuries Often, while trekking over difficult terrains, you might have minor injuries like leg sprain, bruises etc. Serious injuries like fractures or major cuts are very rare.

Response: Your Trek Leaders are First Aid responders. They are trained to handle emergencies and can tackle minor injuries with a first aid kit. In case of serious injuries, the patient is carried to the nearest road and is led to nearest medical Centre.